Book Goal #1: Accomplished

Almost a year ago I posted about my desire to write a book. I wasn’t joking. This January my wife gave me a present by letting me use my day off each week to start working on a book instead of hanging out at the house with the family. I took her up on it. My goal was to have the “guts” of the book done by early June. I accomplished that goal at about 1AM this morning as I finished what initially is the last chapter of Tap Out: Beating the Sin that Beats You (tentatively titled, of course).

I wanted to write a short, little book that I felt addressed a need overlooked by many Christians when it comes to dealing with sin. It is an expansion of a series I taught many months ago that was very well received by our congregation. In fact, I have had many people outside the church encourage me to make that sermon series into a book. So I have…or at least, I have begun to do that. Today is the first step in a likely long process of actually having a real book in someone’s hands. But it is a step, one that I have never taken before but wanted to earlier in my life. Now, I’m glad it is here.

Here’s to seeing this all the way through…

Picture of Yancey Arrington
Dr. Yancey C. Arrington is an eighth generation Texan, Acts 29 Network and Houston Church Planting Network fan, and Teaching Pastor at Clear Creek Community Church in the Bay Area of Houston. He is also author of Preaching That Moves People and TAP: Defeating the Sins That Defeat You, and periodically writes for Acts 29 and The Gospel Coalition.

2 thoughts on “Book Goal #1: Accomplished”

  1. Way to go! I am happy to see the book process coming together for you.

    I have had the thought of putting together some short publications in the near future…we may have to sit and talk some book business.

  2. Looking forward to reading that book,Yancey. I,too, have several ideas for a book…one spiritual( “Surrendered…A Divorced Dad’s Story”, and “Rby’s Red Tide”, a “factional” one. Any encouragement to give the process a jump start, would be appreciated. 😉

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Pastoral Sins

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