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Meet Me In Saint Louie

The City of St. Louis has affected me more deeply than any other environment has ever done,
I consider myself fortunate to have been born here, rather than in Boston, or New York, or London.

– T.S. Eliot

I had the pleasure this past weekend to preach at a wonderful church in St. Louis known as The Journey. Not only was I able to speak but, more importantly, I was able to reconnect with friends both new and old. Making it even better was the fact that my wife was able to accompany me. It was the first time in years that we left our kids and got away just the two of us. This had all the makings of a highlight for us in 2008. It didn’t disappoint.
I was able to renew my friendships with beloved college friends (Kevin & Nikki Rutz, Andy & Julie Kerckhoff) and build upon relationships that have come to me later in life, namely Darrin & Amie Patrick. Darrin is the Lead Pastor of The Journey and done a remarkable job guiding his church to accomplish the mission of Jesus in the world, and Amie is truly as genuine a person as they come! Spending time with them along with my old college roommate and his wife (another college friend as well) was completely refreshing for my soul. Most of my weekend was taken up at my roomie’s lake house with boat trips, sleeping late, good food and great conversations simply being par for the course.

The end of the weekend had me preaching five times (my only regret being that I wished I would’ve taught better…oh, well…that’s where faith comes in), catching a Cardinals game and meeting the great guys that serve at The Journey. My wife and I returned Monday afternoon worn out but deeply blessed. Here’s to doing it again in the future!

Some pics of the weekend: the lakehouse group (I was a dunce and didn’t get any pics with the Kerckhoffs…my apologies) and of course, baseball pics!

We stayed in my college roommate’s lakehouse on Lake Perry which was a little over an hour south of St. Louis. It was relaxing, beautiful and refreshing for the spirit.

I must say, New Busch Stadium is both a beautiful and entertaining experience. St. Louis is, without a doubt, rightfully dubbed “Baseball City”. While it’s an added benefit that the Cards are in the pennant race, you get the feeling this town would root for them regardless of where they are in the standings.

Much blessings and thanks go to The Patricks, Rutzs and Kerckhoffs for making our stay in the Gateway City a memorable one!

Picture of Yancey Arrington
Dr. Yancey C. Arrington is an eighth generation Texan, Acts 29 Network and Houston Church Planting Network fan, and Teaching Pastor at Clear Creek Community Church in the Bay Area of Houston. He is also author of Preaching That Moves People and TAP: Defeating the Sins That Defeat You, and periodically writes for Acts 29 and The Gospel Coalition.

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