Let me begin by saying that I’ve been called, texted, Facebooked, Bloggered, et al. by friends checking in on me to see how I was doing. Thank you very much! I deeply appreciate it.
This won’t be a quick story with a short ending. We will have work that will last months, some maybe even more than a year. But I’m reminded of Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 16:9, “…for a wide door for effective work has opened to me…”; I am very encouraged at the fact that I think a great door to the Gospel has been opened by the violent hands of Ike. Self-security and presumption have been trumped by 110 mph winds of an eyewall that went, literally, through my neighborhood…and the neighborhood of those I believe God has called us to reach through our local church. This may sound funny to say, but I’m excited about the future. I’m excited to see how wide the door will open for the grace of God in Christ in the Bay Area. I’m excited at how many people will decide to become Followers of Jesus or recommit to their followship of the Lord. I’m excited I get to be a part of it all by the grace of God.
And what’s even better is that I believe I have an entire church that’s feels the same way!
Thanks Ike.
2 thoughts on “yIKEs…the Aftermath”
Awesome, Yancey!
Thanks for sharing your perspective. May God continue to be glorified!
I can definitely “see your point”,Yance..regarding viewing this as an opportunity to share the Gospel with others,and invite those far away from Christ to consider leaning into HIm,at this time. I myself had the priviledge(and it was one) to console several distressed,burned out and just plain weary peeps today..who were incredibly relieved that help was on the way,and love at hand.
Great thread!