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Book Update

There isn’t a week that goes by where someone doesn’t ask me about what’s going on with my book. For those who don’t know, I have written a book entitled Tap (the working title was TapOut, but was recently changed so as not to infringe on current trademarks). Using the world of MMA as an analogy, Tap focuses on how followers of Jesus, heeding the Puritan (specifically John Owen) practice  of mortification, can consistently defeat sin in their life.

So, I thought I’d take some time to give everyone the latest…

Honestly, it’s been somewhat of a roller-coaster with its “ups” and “downs.” Tap has been before publishers, pastors, agents, editors and friends – and almost to a person has received high praise. In fact, maybe one of the most surprising things to me about Tap is the reception it’s gotten. This has been true across the board and has deeply pleased me. In fact, the reason Tap got before several publishers is because a well-respected theology professor and author, read my manuscript and liked enough that he personally recommended it to some senior editors he knew. Indeed, there were several times I felt moments away from signing a contract with a publisher.

Nevertheless, that hasn’t happened up to this point. Granted it sill might, as a few more publishers have recently asked for my manuscript. But if it doesn’t, I won’t be surprised. Why? The response from the industry has been fairly united. I’ve been told that while Tap‘s content is  sound, accessible, readable, etc., the analogy of MMA is one which mainstream publishers will shy away from. No matter that it’s the fastest growing sport in America for men ages 18-35 (the New York Times even did an article on MMA’s influence in evangelical circles), it’s simply too controversial for them. Add that to a competitive book market in which men aren’t the largest group of readers and you can see why Tap has its own battle “in the cage.”  And while it caused some disappointment, I can’t tell you how thankful I was for the gracious, honest assessment of both my book and the publishing industry (Thanks A.W.!).

I was thankful because I felt free to proceed with different publishing avenues. Even though in the last week two more publishers have asked for Tap, I am moving toward releasing the book fairly soon unless something develops quickly with those publishers.  For me, the book is done, I believe it will be incredibly helpful in the Christian’s fight against sin and am ready to work on new projects in the future.

So, here’s what has happened lately with Tap:

  1. Finalizing artwork and cover
  2. Outside editorial process should be completed within the next week
  3. Sent Tap to fellow pastors for theological, doctrinal reflection
  4. Distribute advance PDF copies of Tap for potential endorsements
  5. Mock up website for Tap
  6. Formatting master manuscript for publishing

There you go. Maybe over the next few days I’ll post the cover and other tidbits of Tap. For the scores each week who keep asking about the book, thanks for thinking about me. I hope this post helps shed a little light on the latest.

Picture of Yancey Arrington
Dr. Yancey C. Arrington is an eighth generation Texan, Acts 29 Network and Houston Church Planting Network fan, and Teaching Pastor at Clear Creek Community Church in the Bay Area of Houston. He is also author of Preaching That Moves People and TAP: Defeating the Sins That Defeat You, and periodically writes for Acts 29 and The Gospel Coalition.

8 thoughts on “Book Update”

  1. I’ve read Yancey’s book, and it’s something you should be looking forward to–whoever finally clicks the “print” button on it’s release. John Owen was a giant, and his teaching on mortification is much-needed in our soft-soul world. Yancey’s revival of Owen wrapped in the world of the MMA is a valuable tool for all of us who are learning to wage war against sin. I pray it will help many to grapple with the Gospel on their side.

  2. As a man, I think the message would be great considering I have met a lot of men who love MMA. I love the concept of the book and really hope many men will understand the message. Keep up the good work.

  3. Besides Tuf Stuff sermon series theis sermon series a few years ago entitled Tapout was very helpful.

    Tapout should be listened to for sure.

    Kind Regards,

  4. Yancey, I’m so excited to hear about your book & what God is accomplishing through you. I look forward to reading it with my hubby who loves TapOut! Thanks for sharing.

  5. I enjoyed reading it early on, and I am looking forward to reading it after it hits “the shelves,” whatever that looks like. It is a much-needed message for a much-neglected, much-distracted, much-influential group of people.

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