Video on Leadership, Preaching

Dustin Neeley is a pastor from Louisville, Kentucky, and the brains behind the blog Church Planting for the Rest of Us. He also writes for The Resurgence, a well-known blog that intersects with the ministry of Mark Driscoll and other pastors in the Acts 29 Network. Dustin was kind enough to interview Bruce Wesley and me on leadership and preaching while we were in Louisville. Here are links to both of the videos.

I must say after watching these videos:

  1. I really like nodding my head (doesn’t that just mean I’m engaged in the conversation?). It looks great, especially when Dustin begins the preaching interview saying “Yancey, you’re obviously a gifted preacher…” [Me: nod, nod, nod] I’m thinking, “Yes, I’m tracking what you’re saying,” but it looks like, “Yes, of course I’m a gifted preacher. Move on and get to your question.” Needless to say, it’s painful to watch.
  2. I probably need to blog to better explain myself at every point. So don’t be surprised if you see a post on “emotional eisigesis.”
  3. I am an animated guy – always have been. I am reminded of it every time I see myself teaching on video at our other campus. It’s a full, life-size image of me on the stage, and hard to swallow with my energetic gestures, random pacing and other general movements that make it more like watching a tennis match than a pastor behind a pulpit. These videos are no different.
  4. At least I’m glad I’m (halfway) comfortable being in my own skin, or these videos would never be linked here.
Picture of Yancey Arrington
Dr. Yancey C. Arrington is an eighth generation Texan, Acts 29 Network and Houston Church Planting Network fan, and Teaching Pastor at Clear Creek Community Church in the Bay Area of Houston. He is also author of Preaching That Moves People and TAP: Defeating the Sins That Defeat You, and periodically writes for Acts 29 and The Gospel Coalition.

3 thoughts on “Video on Leadership, Preaching”

  1. Since I was in the videos with you, I have earned my right to comment. ; )
    I thought you did great and your comments on yourself are hilarious. I think it would be a good blog entry. You are onto something here that I haven’t heard anybody say this way before…which is why I included it. Will look forward to seeing it. Thanks brotha.

  2. Yancey Arrington

    Thanks for leading the interview Dustin. We will see if I can scratch something out on this blog!

  3. I am glad you are energetic. It keeps my attention at the West Campus. The head nodding in this video is funny!

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