Wrinkles on My Facebook

A few years ago I began a Facebook account at the behest of some college students from a university where I had a speaking engagement. They were into it big time and wanted me to join the fun. So I jumped in and since then have connected with quite a few people. Some I know very well while others I have little to no clue who they are. But a highlight amongst all the growing number of Facebook “friends” is reconnecting with those who truly were friends of mine during different seasons of my life that I have simply lost track of through the years. Many are from my days at Baylor and still others go further back…high school, many of them I’ve known almost all of my life.

As I’ve reacquainted myself with my peers of days gone by I’m actually starting to believe something that most of our culture would consider unthinkable: there’s a beauty in getting older. Yup, you heard me correctly. There’s something really attractive about aging. I know, I know, when you’re in your late 30’s often your hair starts to turn grey (or in some cases turns loose), you are probably a little (or a lot) heavier than you want to be and you’ve got lines around your eyes that make you feel 50 whenever you see yourself smile in a photograph. But the beauty that comes across to me is more than skin deep. In fact, it’s all the “imperfections” that the years bring upon the body that strikes me as endearing.

I wouldn’t argue that there may come a day when I cross into an age where I don’t feel this way, but for now, as I glance across the images of those who are my friends from childhood up to my college years the only thing I feel is a warm heart. We don’t look like kids anymore and we shouldn’t. I’m starting to think I really like the “adult” versions of the friends I’ve played hide-and-go-seek with, cheered alongside at Bulldog Stadium or had long talks with in front of Pat Neff Hall. Sure, most of them don’t look like they used to but for many, the physical changes over time also mirrors the changes they’ve experienced on the inside as they matured and find themselves moving through the thick of life. And for some reason, I think it looks pretty good on them.

Okay…most of them. 😉

Picture of Yancey Arrington
Dr. Yancey C. Arrington is an eighth generation Texan, Acts 29 Network and Houston Church Planting Network fan, and Teaching Pastor at Clear Creek Community Church in the Bay Area of Houston. He is also author of Preaching That Moves People and TAP: Defeating the Sins That Defeat You, and periodically writes for Acts 29 and The Gospel Coalition.

2 thoughts on “Wrinkles on My Facebook”

  1. Ok…Ok.. I would have to agree with you about getting older. As hard as that is to type, its harder to realize that I will be 33 this year. I keep thinking, I really don’t feel like I am 33 and seriously where did my late 20’s go??? My mom told me when I turned the big 3o that the 30’s were her best years and the same might hold true for me. I am starting to see certain areas of my life blossom. I feel with age I have become more aware of who I am and what God wants to do with me. I am realizing that with age you appreciate more, value wisdom, and hold dear to the ones you love. I am starting to see my 33 be a good thing.
    Thanks for your insights on aging with confidence.

  2. I too joined Facebook this year, also because my small Christian school (340 students, K-12) initiated a reunion site. The one thing I have taken away from it is how funny it is that some of the people we just couldn’t stand back then have actually turned into great people! Lol! Okay okay, maybe it’s because we (I?) have actually matured enough to see the value in each of them and not see them as “Mr. MVP”, or “Miss Homecoming Queen”, etc…

    Recently we had a get together with some of us local alum, and one of the guys who in HS was pretty much disliked by all, commented that in the beginning of all the communication he was hesitant that he would again feel the same rejection he felt in HS. He said he was amazed at how acepted he now felt by the very ones who shunned him back then. How sad that we have to wait until we ourselves have gone through a lifetime now, of maybe “not so great” experiences before we can extend friendship (maybe even a little grace and mercy?) to those we spent a majority of our time with at some point in our lives.

    At 45, I hope that I have matured not only in my ability to accept everyone, but most of all in my walk with the Lord to the point of resemblence of Him instead of a much younger me! BTW- I LOVE being 45; I can promise you “youngsters” it only gets better with age!!

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