– The Epistle to the Romans 1:16-17 (ESV)
We know today as Halloween but for many Followers of Jesus, October 31st is an important day because it marks the time the Church sought to return to the Gospel. On this date in the year 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the doors of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. The theses detailed the doctrinal corruption of the church and opened the door for the Protestant Reformation. It was a good day.
It also happens to be the day my local church began in 1993. We are fourteen years old today! I’ve been here for close to ten of those fourteen years and am grateful for every day.
So Happy Reformation Day (#490) you Followers of Jesus Christ! And Happy Birthday those of you at my church!
In honor of these two great events, we’ve worked it out with the nation that if you go to people’s homes, most of them will give you candy. 😉
1 thought on “Happy Birthday & Reformation Day”
Because HE IS, we live.
Praise God, three in one, for examples of His grace, then and today, giving their all for His Kingdom.