
Mégalo Metéoron Monastery in Greece, representing First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea in 325AD.

The Importance of Creedal Christianity

The following post is a part of a series about learnings from reading Jaroslav Pelikan’s Five-volume The Christian Tradition: A Development of Doctrine. In June the Southern Baptist Convention, which has a track record of swimming in controversy after controversy, cannonballed into one more debate at their last gathering when four messengers proposed an amendment […]

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Learning from ‘The Christian Tradition: A Development of Doctrine’

Learning from ‘The Christian Tradition: A Development of Doctrine’

Have you ever wondered why you believe what you believe? The answer “I just read the Bible,” while sounding noble, is sourced in either naiveté or ignorance because every branch within the Christian tradition – Catholic, Orthodox, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, etc. – argues their beliefs are biblically warranted. The more incisive question is how did

Learning from ‘The Christian Tradition: A Development of Doctrine’ Read More »