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Make Steel Men, Not Straw Men

Make Steel Men, Not Straw Men

The following post is part of a series of learnings from reading Jaroslav Pelikan’s Five-volume The Christian Tradition: A Development of Doctrine. Growing up Baptist, I was of course taught the Bible from a Baptist perspective, learning doctrines like eternal security, priesthood of the believer, and congregational polity. Makes sense,

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Why Church History Matters

Why Church History Matters

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a fan of church history. I like history in general. It’s fascinating to read about the past – the events, decisions,

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My Best Books of 2021

My Best Books of 2023

While, once again, I read fewer books this year. I mostly did so because I read large (and often very dense) novels. For me, it’s about quality not quantity. With

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