I’m pumped because today, my book proof arrived. I think I’ve escaped with one minor change to be made. I may find more, but nevertheless, it’s a fun day.
Book Update: The Proof is In!
Dr. Yancey C. Arrington is an eighth generation Texan, Acts 29 Network and Houston Church Planting Network fan, and Teaching Pastor at Clear Creek Community Church in the Bay Area of Houston. He is also author of Preaching That Moves People and TAP: Defeating the Sins That Defeat You, and periodically writes for Acts 29 and The Gospel Coalition.
Celebrating Marriage – 50 Years
“So I’ll walk with you in the Shadowlands, ’til the shadows disappear.” – Andrew Peterson, Dancing in the Mindfields Last month my parents celebrated their
You Know You Want This
Maybe the greatest Craig’s List posting ever. Sorry about the language but I’m leaving it “as is” so you get the full intended impact. This,
Study Leviticus. (Seriously)
“Leviticus thus becomes the one book of the Old Testament fullest of Christ and Redemption.” – Rev. Daniel S. Gregory [ref]quoted by Henry Nelson Bullard,