“Thatcher, that’s Mozart’s 40th?”
“That’s right Dad.”
“Dad, you’re doing Beethoven, right?”
“You got it, son!”
Then he starts humming through a song for which I had no clue. He turns to me afterward. Silence.
I tell him I didn’t know the song and he says, “Dad, it’s from the Romantic period.” like that was going to be the hint which would easily get me over the top.
After a few more moments of silence he exasperatingly says, “C’mon Dad, it’s Mendelssohn!”
“Oh yeah,” I reply not letting him see me silently laughing, bemused at the fact my kid thinks everyone (including his dad) should know Mendelssohn, and correspondingly, the Romantic period of the mid-19th Century by memory.
I’m giving his mother a raise.