Towards what seemed to be the end of the meeting Darrin invited us to stay for dinner. We had eaten earlier due to the fact that A29 hadn’t initially planned on us coming and we didn’t want to burden them by taking up three more plates. We just wanted to attend so we could get to meet as many of the guys we could. Little did we know that the dinner was to be with John Piper. Mark Driscoll, who had Dr. Piper as a guest speaker for the conference, had graciously arranged it so the man, who has impacted many if not an entire generation (or two) for Jesus, could spend an evening pouring himself into these church planters. For the next two hours he fielded questions and was a combination of being graciously admonishing, intensely passionate and painfully transparent – qualities I’ve admired in him for quite some time. While I’d like to share what was said, the private and personal nature of the gathering guides me to refrain but rest assured, from my humble vantage point, there is no duplicity between who John Piper is publically and who he is privately.
Needless to say, it was a memorable evening and I’m grateful for Acts 29 and DP for allowing us to be a part of it.