So before he gets the tat he says that one of the reasons he is doing this is that when he gets older, say 50 or so, and complacency fights for more real estate in his heart and life, he can look down at his tattoo and be reminded that there was a time when he had “a fire in my belly”. And when he said it, he didn’t say it in an “I wish for the old days“-kind of way but a “I hope that fire’s still burning” fashion.
Man, that impressed me so deeply. I spent some time with him today at his warehouse telling him how I absolutely loved the way he expressed himself! That is so where I want to be – to make sure that twenty years from now I’m still, if not more, passionate about doing what I do. I don’t want to be the guy who’s on cruise control in life – playing way too much golf, always seeking ways to build his portfolio and griping about the weather to his buddies while there is still great Kingdom-work to be done. I don’t know if I need to sport a tat or not to remind me to keep my kindling dry, but if there ever was a reason to embed ink under my skin, this might be it.
O God, let the fire still burn for you.