“The Cross is the blazing fire at which the flame of our love is kindled, but we have to get near enough to it for its sparks to fall on us.”
– John Stott
This past month there’s probably been no truth more in the forefront of my mind than the one which Stott is addressing. Unfortunately, I’m finding how all too often I tend to live for something else than the Gospel and how much vigilance I’m to muster in trusting that my approval, security and identity flow from Calvary. I always thought of myself as a fairly steady and sure person but after some introspection I’ve begun to notice a thread of doubt which runs through the fabric of my responses to people and things. Whenever I find myself uttering self-justifying statements or sense that I’m overly-critical in my assessment of a peer, I can be confident most of that flows from my unbelief, my lack of faith in the Gospel to be my sufficiency. The result is a lame (but pretty shrewd) attempt at trying to control my image.
– John Stott

Stott’s words are a good measure of the medication I need. I need the Gospel. I need it again…and again…and again. If I’m going to make any headway into a Cross-centered life I must “take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5) by unleashing the Gospel upon anything I’m trusting in to build me up besides the Cross.
It’s the best way I know of getting close to the fire.