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Learning: A Church’s Style of Corporate Worship

The Value of Experiencing Corporate Worship from Another Tradition

The following post is a part of a series about learnings from reading Jaroslav Pelikan’s Five-volume The Christian Tradition: A Development of Doctrine. Over my sabbatical I attended a worship service at an Eastern Orthodox church. I generally knew what to expect. In addition to reading Volume 2 of Jaroslav Pelikan’s The Christian Tradition: The […]

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Learning from ‘The Christian Tradition: A Development of Doctrine’

Learning from ‘The Christian Tradition: A Development of Doctrine’

Have you ever wondered why you believe what you believe? The answer “I just read the Bible,” while sounding noble, is sourced in either naiveté or ignorance because every branch within the Christian tradition – Catholic, Orthodox, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, etc. – argues their beliefs are biblically warranted. The more incisive question is how did

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Nice Pub

Will Mancini, founder of Auxano (a church leadership consulting firm) and author of Church Unique, recently posted this about my church. I love hearing other people’s take on who we are and what we do. Will has been blessed with keen insight to leadership issues so I was delighted to hear what he had to

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