I've had the opportunity to sit under Yancey's preaching on many occasions. He is a man used by God in edifying and encouraging ways as he preaches. This book isn't a book of pragmatics but wisdom wrung from experience and the disciplined pursuit of God.

The best preachers love the process as well as the content of communication. Yancey Arrington is one of those, as is well demonstrated in this helpful book on the effective delivery and pace of a sermon that takes into account the “necessities and capacities” of modern listeners.

There has been perhaps no more important time to recover the art of preaching Scripture-drenched, Christ-centered, community-forming, and neighbor-loving sermons.
Among the many books written to help preachers refine this skill,
Yancey has written one of the better ones. I highly recommend
Preaching that Moves People to all current and aspiring preachers. I trust that as you work through this volume, you too will be moved.